LEXINGTON, N.C. Sept. 1, 2021 — The Common Thread for the Cure Foundation hosted its New Jersey bi-annual Take A Swing for The Common Thread fundraising event at the Topgolf in Edison, NJ on July 14, 2021. The highly successful evening involved 162 participants and raised $30,000. Proceeds from the event benefit The Common Thread for the Cure Foundation’s Mission and Helping Hand Grants for people within the furnishings and design industries who have breast cancer as well as their immediate families

“We were thrilled with the wonderful turnout which helped us surpass our fundraising goals for this The Common Thread for the Cure Foundation event,” commented Lesley Zitone, event co-chair and materials consultant at 3form. “This year we raised $10,000 more than our last event in 2018. We look forward to hosting the next one in 2023.”
Vivian Lawler, resource director for Gensler NJ commented, “The fundraiser event last night was phenomenal. It was wonderful to see many individuals gathered to support a great cause. The laughter, bright and joyful faces, hugs, and fist bumps painted a portrait of unity, resilience, and optimism. Hats off to each Common Thread team member and sponsor for the gift of your time and the heart of giving.”
Scott Schwinghammer, chairman for The Common Thread for the Cure Foundation added, “I would like to thank all of the dedicated volunteers, generous sponsors and supportive attendees who’s combined efforts made this year’s Take A Swing for The Common Thread such a remarkable success. Because of their dedication several more families will benefit from our Helping Hand Grants.”