Blog: Optimizing the undervalued

Former furniture exec and business coach Dan Moseley believes it’s time the industry takes a fresh look at employing workers too often viewed as past their prime

As industries struggle through the current pandemic, we also see signs of hope. With Covid and her counterparts testing humanity with a worse-case personnel scenario, many across the country are capable of showing the world the depth of the good that humanity is truly capable of. That is, of course, should we choose to be a force for that good during these uncertain times.

Dan Moseley

We’d like to share some thoughts about optimizing overlooked and undervalued people — those in their 60s and 70s eager to make a difference. This could possibly pave an exceptional personnel path, enabling a recruiting and hiring pattern that escapes from ordinary HR personnel practices when aligned with recruitment, engagement, hiring, development and personnel retention.

We have pushed the personnel boundaries associated with ordinary hiring practices. One needs to move past existing personnel hiring models. After reading this, perhaps, we might even “raise a glass” to re-imagined fresh discoveries, enabling industries to live, work, and have fun once again.

We personally thought growing up would take longer. Curiously, time, when measured, can pass lightning quick. Seems like only yesterday I was a key decision maker in the success and growth of a major retail business. And then … something happened! That particular something is another story — one left to be told another day. But like so many retail warriors, years caught up with us. How did we get here so fast? What happened? We’re now the older folks we thought we’d never be.

An industry blindspot? Maybe                                                                                                                                

Some of the folks I’m referring to here were offered early-outs of the workforce for one reason or another. Unfortunately, these folks were not quite ready to ride off into the sunset with unfilled dreams left in their saddlebags – but they did. Today, when asked, many of these folks might tell you  those ‘dreams’ are still relevant, and apply to most industry jobs ― manufacturers, retail and customer service — jobs that continue to go unfilled today.

There may also be opportunity in those who were approaching retirement age and took advantage of the pandemic times and cash windfalls to call it quits and head into retirement early. Are they reconsidering? Do they desire to get back into the workplace? We don’t know. But it’s a possibility. Experience and personnel opportunities could be found in the backyards of many businesses.                             

Regrettably, not all, but too many businesses have preconceived notions about (an older workforce). Arguably, believing energy, innovation, resourcefulness, technology and other attributes are not necessarily found in the Over 60-70 Club. 

No argument here on the notion of Millennials’ being tech savvy. They should be – they grew up cutting their eye-teeth on computers and iPhones. But why not consider a generational mix?

A “mixed-gen” workforce could very well be the perfect fit needed to further transform communication, culture, and compensation into a learning and balanced personnel package. A little grey hair is a small price to pay for such savvy individuals all across the country — especially, when businesses have so many positions to fill.

See what others have failed to see 

A winning line-up has always included two simple things: Having the right people on the bus, and making sure they’re all sitting in the right seat. Experience, knowledge, technology and wisdom — priceless!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    With the unprecedented effects of Covid impacting those managing people and businesses in the face of today’s changes, it would seem incumbent for leaders to reimagine all personnel principles — effectively, eliminating the possibilities of these personnel roadblocks recurring. 

We end with a final thought to contemplate: Uniting “classic with contemporary.” Guiding and learning from each other — a continuing process — not only enables instant personnel gratification, but also adds some needed freshness for those aspiring to effective leadership all across the nation. Undervalued folks paired with tech-savvy folks. Could this become the perfect fit?

Dan Moseley, a former senior vice president of Leath Furniture, is now a retail coach and member of the “Over 60-70 Club.”

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