MORGANTON, N.C. — Luxury case goods and upholstery manufacturer EJ Victor has recently hired Ben Radoll as senior vice president of sales, marketing and business development.

In this role, Radoll will lead and oversee the company’s global sales efforts and marketing strategies.
With more than 20 years of industry experience, he comes to the company from Klaussner Furniture, where he was senior vice president of case goods and bedding and before that vice president of case goods and import upholstery. He was also previously vice president of product development at Stickley.
Before joining Stickley, he was vice president of merchandising and market development at Pride Family Brands and was previously at Heritage Home Group as vice president of sales and business intelligence.
He also was previously director of sales operations at Furniture Brands International and before that was a sales representative for Broyhill and Universal Furniture.
He reports to Richard Oliver, who was named president and chief executive officer this past June, replacing former CEO David Bennett, who left the company last this past spring to devote more time to his other businesses.
“We are excited to have Ben join the team,” Oliver said. “He brings vast knowledge and experience of our market and further signifies our investment in the growth of our brands.”