Inside Century Furniture’s case goods operations

In early March Home News Now visited Century Furniture’s case goods plant in Hickory, N.C. The 725,000-square-foot facility employs about 100 workers but is looking to add about 30 in the coming months to help improve lead times for retailers and designers alike. The tour showed the facility’s many capabilities, particularly within Century’s custom Details program, which affords multiple options in hardware, bases, finish, drawer and door fronts and more.

It’s this type of value added offering that has helped increase the importance of the company’s domestic manufacturing footprint, which has been in high demand of late due to its capabilities and proximity to its U.S. customer base. While lead times may have been extended, the plant continues to see a consistency of orders from retailers and designers alike. Below are some images inside the plant and a look at the men and women who bring the custom line to life.

A century worker operates a band saw to process wood components for the case goods line.
A worker tapes veneer panels for use in the case goods line.
Chad Phillips, director of case goods at Century, shows a panel of stump walnut veneer.
Assembly of case pieces takes place on the floor of Century’s Hickory, N.C. plant.
A worker sands the frame and legs of an occasional table.
A worker sands a table featuring a veneer top.
A completed case piece gets its final sanding before heading to the finishing line.
The company also makes chair frames at the plant, a small example of its capabilities in its nearby upholstery manufacturing operaitons.
Here are a number of chair frames that are ready to be finished and upholstered.
Chad Phillips, director of case goods at Century, is seen helping a worker position a piece of hardware on a case piece.
Here Phillips shows the level of detail on the front of a recently finished dresser.
These are some of the hardware options that Century offers in its custom Details case goods line.
These are some of the finish panels that showcase the wide variety of finish options also available in Details.

Thomas Russell

Home News Now Editor-in-Chief Thomas Russell has covered the furniture industry for 25 years at various daily and weekly consumer and trade publications. He can be reached at and at 336-508-4616.

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