THOMASVILLE, N.C. – Recently Theodore Alexander invited Home News Now to visit its upholstery plant just outside High Point in Thomasville. Employing about 32 production workers with more soon to follow, the 50,000-square-foot operation produces a wide mix of product – from sofas and settees to loveseats, sectionals and ottomans.
The tour showed the depth and breadth of the luxury furniture producer’s processes, from eight-way hand tied seating to the tufting of leather seats and backs. In each situation, the product is touched by the hands of many people before it goes out the door. This bench- made type of production helps create a quality level that customers – retailers and designers alike – have come to expect from the line.
Below is a glimpse of the people at work, who are dedicated to not only producing to the company’s – and customers high construction quality and tailoring standards. They also will help grow the line to become a more important part of the overall mix as the company has plans to double upholstery sales over the next two to three years. With their many decades of experience, the company is depending on them to pull off this ambitious goal in the weeks, months and years ahead.
Scroll down to see the plant, the people and the processes all at work.